What are the application ranges of melt pumps for blown film extruders?

The necessity of a melt pump in the PE film manufacturing process is primarily manifested in the following aspects:

I. Stabilizing Extrusion and Enhancing Product Quality

Improving Die Pressure Stability: The melt pump significantly enhances the stability of die pressure, which is crucial for the quality of PE films. Stable die pressure helps reduce uneven thickness, improving film uniformity and flatness.

Achieving Nearly Linear Flow Output: The output flow of the melt pump is linearly related to its rotation speed, enabling nearly linear flow output. This facilitates precise control over film thickness and width, enhancing dimensional accuracy.

Reducing Waste Rates: During extrusion, issues like uneven material feeding, fluctuations in barrel and die head temperatures, and screw speed pulsations are inevitable. The melt pump eliminates feeding errors from the feeding system and significantly dampens upstream process fluctuations, stabilizing the extrusion process and lowering waste rates.

blown film melt pump

II. Boosting Production and Reducing Energy Consumption

Increasing Extrusion Volume: The melt pump enhances extrusion volume, raising PE film production rates, critical for improving production efficiency and economic benefits.

Reducing Extruder Load: As the melt pump assumes partial pressure boosting and stabilizing functions, it reduces extruder load, decreasing energy consumption and wear, and extending extruder lifespan.

Enabling Low-Temperature Extrusion: With a melt pump installed, the extruder can operate at lower pressures and temperatures, lowering energy consumption and extending machine life.

melt gear pump

III. Facilitating Equipment Coordination and Monitoring

Linear Extrusion Characteristics: The melt pump exhibits linear extrusion characteristics, where its delivery capacity is nearly linearly related to its rotation speed. This simplifies coordination between upstream and downstream equipment with the melt pump.

Full-Process Online Monitoring and Feedback Control: By collecting pressure, temperature, and other data from the melt pump's inlet and outlet, full-process online monitoring and feedback control of the extrusion process is achieved. This aids in promptly identifying and resolving potential issues, ensuring production stability and reliability.

polymer melt pump

In summary, the melt pump plays a vital role in the PE film manufacturing process. It not only enhances product quality, increases production, reduces energy consumption, and extends machine life but also facilitates equipment coordination and monitoring. Therefore, the use of a melt pump in PE film manufacturing is necessary and beneficial.

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